Our Detailed
We are proudly accredited by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL). This award acknowledges the high quality of our medical practice. AGPAL Surveyors consider many aspects of General Practice using standards set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). To achieve accreditation, it is necessary that the practice provide quality, comprehensive and continuing care to patients in a caring environment.
Patients can be reassured that our practice ensures their health, their rights, and their needs are our top priority.
Our receptionists and administrative staff Shradha, Amy, Grace and Janessa are focused on quality care and assistance.
If you are experiencing any pain or in distress while in the waiting room, please speak with a receptionist or staff member immediately.
Our dedicated practice nurses have a passion for patient care and a wealth of experience in General Practice. Nurse Carlyn, plays a crucial role in our team, known for her compassionate approach and commitment to promoting well-being, she is here Tuesday to Thursday.
"We value the trust you place in our practice, the staff and doctors, and we give you our assurance that we respect your privacy and abide by the Medical Code of Ethics"
Medicare can now deposit your rebate directly into your bank account. You will need to register with Medicare by calling 132 011, visiting your local Medicare office or online at www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/online.
We always have a clinical nurse onsite. If you are unable to book an appointment, please call the practice and our experienced nurses can triage and provide medical advise where appropriate.
Home visits are available on request for existing patients of the practice with prior arrangement.
Please call the surgery first thing in the morning to discuss.
Home visits apply to local area only and these visits are billed privately and not bulk billed.
To be eligible for Telehealth services, you must have seen your GP, or another GP at Lane Cove Medical Practice for a face-to-face appointment at least once in the last 12 months prior to the date of your telehealth consultation and be living in Australia. Telehealth consultations are for scripts and repeat referrals and will be privately billed.
In the interest of good medical care, the Doctor needs to see you for these. We are NOT PERMITTED by law to backdate medical certificates and referrals. Doctors in this practice are competent at handling all the common health problems. When necessary, they are able to draw an opinion from Specialists, and if need be, refer you for further investigation. You can discuss this openly with your doctor.
For reasons of confidentiality, specialist referrals and scripts will not be faxed. All documentation must be collected by the patient and taken to their specialist appointment.
For medico-legal reasons, and in the interest of strict confidentiality of your medical records, no test results will be given over the phone or faxed to patients. Patients are requested to make an appointment to be reviewed 2 – 7 days after the test to explain the results. If the results are considered to be of a serious nature, the patient will be contacted immediately.
Our practice is committed to preventive care. Unless you notify us otherwise, we may issue you with a reminder notice offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. Recently we have screened for bowel cancer, updated MMR vaccinations and performed heart checks and osteoporosis screening. Patient confidentiality is always maintained.
In Autumn/Winter we provide free flu vaccines to those aged over 65 years, or with chronic illness.
You will be placed on Med-2-app recall system, where you will be sent text message reminders.”
Despite or best intentions, we sometimes run late. This is because someone has needed unexpected urgent attention or we might be dealing with a difficult problem. Be assured that when it comes to your turn your doctor will give your problem the time it deserves. Thank you for your consideration and support.
Our aim is to protect your confidentiality. We assure you that your clinical details will not be accessed by a third party. From time-to-time we may also send you updated health information to your email. If you do not consent to this, please inform Reception so this can be noted in your file.
Requests for transfer of medical records will only be posted to specific doctors after a transfer agreement form has been signed and received at the Practice.
We welcome patient feedback and provide the platform here on the website for the submission of positive reviews and also complaints in the case that you have any concerns about the service you have been provided at the practice.
Should we be unable to resolve your concerns, you can contact the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission:
Tel: 02 9219 7444 or
Toll Free 1800 043 159Level 13, 323 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000

Our Hours
Online Enquiries
Complete the contact form to submit a secure online enquiry.
Leave A Review
47 Tambourine Bay Road,
Contact Numbers
Phone: (02) 9427 7622
Fax: (02) 9427 7120
Consultation Hours
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 5.30pm
8.30am to 12.30pm